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Jessica Giordano

Jessica Giordano

Columbia University
Jessica Giordano is an ABGC board-certified genetic counselor and assistant professor of genetic counseling with 17+ years of clinical, research, and industry related experience in prenatal genetic counseling and testing. In her clinical work, she has witnessed how non-invasive aneuploidy screening, diagnostic testing via microarray, and pan-ethnic screening has transformed prenatal practice, making complex genetics test part of primary obstetrical practice. Recently, she successfully led Columbia's fetal exome sequencing study published in Lancet, the stillbirth exome study published in the NEJM, and is the primary manager for the NICHD multi-center study PrenatalSEQ, aiming to study the use of genomic sequencing in pregnancy to change post-natal management. In these research roles, she consents patients, curates variants, and assesses genotype-phenotype correlations with the goal of ultimately communicating results to patients to impact clinical management. Jessica leads the international Fetal Sequencing Consortium and is a co-coordination for ClinGen's Prenatal Gene Curation Expert Panel. Additionally, Jessica has been integral to the development and launch of Columbia's new Genetic Counseling Graduate Program and currently serves as a course director and scholarly projector mentor to their graduate students.
