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Michael Duyzend

Michael Duyzend

Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
Dr. Michael Duyzend is a pediatrician, clinical geneticist, and research fellow at Massachusetts General Hospital and the Broad Institute, and an attending physician at Boston Children's Hospital. He has a particular interest in understanding the genomics of the developmental continuum and genetic modifiers using both computational and experimental approaches. His current work revolves around understanding the spectrum of variation present with anomalies during pregnancy (stillbirth and structural differences), comprehensive non-invasive prenatal screening, and the standardization and integration of phenotype and genotype data. He serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Pediatrics and is a co-leader of the Fetal Genomics Consortium. Dr. Duyzend is motivated by the potential of genomic medicine and driven by the success and challenges of unlocking the utility of genomics for all in an expeditious, effective, just, reasoned, and sound manner.
