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Mildred Cho

Mildred Cho

Professor, Stanford University
Mildred Cho is a Professor in the Division of Medical Genetics of the Department of Pediatrics and in the Division of Primary Care and Population Health of the Department of Medicine at Stanford University. She is also Associate Director of the Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics and Director of the Center for Integration of Research on Genetics and Ethics. She received her B.S. in Biology in 1984 from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and her Ph.D. in 1992 from the Stanford University Department of Pharmacology. Dr. Cho's major areas of interest are the ethical and social impacts of genetic research and its applications, including to precision medicine, gene therapy, the human microbiome, and synthetic biology. Her recent interests include the implications of applying data science, artificial intelligence and mobile technologies to genomic and health data. She is a member of editorial board of Genetics in Medicine.
