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Moez Dawood

Moez Dawood

MD/PhD Student
Moez Dawood is a MD/PhD student in the Medical Scientist Training Program of the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, TX. Moez is currently working on his PhD in Genetics and Genomics under the mentorship of Dr. Richard Gibbs and Dr. Jim Lupski in the Human Genome Sequencing Center. As part of his PhD, Moez interned in the lab of Dr. Lea Starita at the Brotman Baty Institute of the University of Washington with the goal of learning the flagship MAVE technique, saturation genome editing (SGE). Moez would go on to redesign and optimize significant portions of the wet and dry bench workflows for SGE, write the foundational protocol set for the SGE Team, and teach SGE to the team lead and new members. In addition to studying the impact of MAVEs on VUS reclassification rates across populations, Moez has led the push for over 80+ SGE tiles through data production and analysis including the entirety of PALB2 and its interactors, SDHD, and a variety of rare disease targets (>25,000 variant effects total). Prior to joining BCM, Moez graduated summa cum laude from Rice University majoring in Chemistry and minoring in Biochemistry and Cell Biology via the Rice/Baylor Medical Scholars Program.
