N. Matthew Ellinwood
Chief Scientific Officer,
National MPS Society
Dr. Matthew Ellinwood was trained in molecular biology, reproductive physiology, innate immunity, and comparative medical genetics. He earned his DVM and PhD in physiology from Colorado State University, with subsequent residency in veterinary medical genetics (Univ of Pennsylvania) and post-doctoral training in comparative medicine (University of Pennsylvania) and gene therapy (Univ of Nantes). He has over two decades of research experience with the mucopolysaccharidosis and mucolipidosis disorders. He is currently the Chief Scientific Officer with the National MPS Society, Inc., where he guides the Society's research and science efforts to promote clinical progress for all the MPS and ML disorders. He comes to his work at the Society after a long tenure on the Society's Scientific Advisory Board (2004-2020). He is a Professor Emeritus at Iowa State University, where he worked on MPS I and IIIB using the spontaneous canine models. His work include natural history and interventional preclinical studies. He has direct experience with preclinical studies of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, intravenous enzyme therapy, intracisternal enzyme therapy, intraventricular enzyme therapy, systemic intravenous AAV based gene therapy, and intrarticular and intraparenchymal CNS directed AAV based therapy. He has worked on a variety of genetic diseases including preclinical models of: SCID; MPSs I, IIIB, IIID, VI, and VII; ML II alpha/beta; congenital glaucoma; and retinitis pigmentosa.