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Pepper St. Clair

Pepper St. Clair

Research Assistant
Pepper St. Clair is a member of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ClinGen-affiliated Biocuration and Coordinator Core where she contributes gene-disease relationship and variant pathogenicity curations to several expert panels and supports the ClinGen Community Curation Working Group as a coordinator. As a part of the ClinGen Community Curation Working Group, Pepper supports the training of community contributors to ClinGen's curation efforts and engages undergraduate students through the ClinGen Baseline Annotation effort.
Prior to joining ClinGen, Pepper graduated from California State University, Monterey Bay as with a B.S. in molecular biology after having completed an honors capstone research project at University of California Santa Cruz on antibiotic resistant gene conjugation in E. coli which won a second place award at the California State University Student Research Competition.
