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Reymundo Lozano

Reymundo Lozano

Associate Professor, Mount Sinai Hospital, New York City
Dr. Reymundo Lozano, Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Genetics and Genomic Sciences, and Pediatrics, is a pediatric and adult clinical geneticist with neurodevelopmental and aging research training. He has dedicated his research to better understanding the molecular basis neurodevelopmental disorders including autism and dementia. He will direct the Fragile X Syndrome (FXS) Clinic at Mount Sinai and specializes in the treatment of FXS, Kabuki syndrome, Wiedemann-Steiner syndrome and FOXP1. As a collaborator on several clinical trials in FXS and autism, Dr. Lozano is committed to finding targeted treatments. Dr. Lozano's health care leadership goals are to create new models for delivering high quality, efficient, and cost-effective care in an increasingly changing environment lead by technological advances in genetics and communication. Dr. Lozano has consulted for genetic laboratories, pharmaceutical companies and other non-profit organizations.
