Early Career Professional Support
Welcome Reception for Fellows, Residents, Trainees and Students
Always a popular event for early career genetics professionals, attendees have the opportunity to meet peers, learn more about ACMG and meet the College leadership. Representatives from the sponsoring company may attend and the opportunity includes a welcome from one of the company representatives.
Early Genetics Trainee/Mentor Luncheon
This interactive lunch provides trainees, postdoctoral fellows and clinical fellows in the field of medical genetics the opportunity to meet and talk informally with senior members of the College about career options, goals, and professional opportunities and will draw about 200 attendees (trainees and mentors). The sponsoring company will be recognized with signage outside the luncheon and featured on walk-in slides. A company representative may attend the luncheon.
Geneticist-in-Training Speed Mentoring
$8,000 SOLD
Introduced at the 2024 ACMG Meeting, these events were a highlight of the meeting for young professionals and the geneticists who volunteered as mentors. One event each on Thursday and Friday are offered and will include 5 “dates” in an hour. Sponsor acknowledgement will be on signage and the table numbers in the Speed Mentoring section of the Exhibit Hall. Two approved company representatives may participate as mentors each day.
Geneticists-in-Training Lounge
The Trainee/Resident/Fellow Lounge provides a destination for the 200+ young professionals attending the meeting to come together to network with one another and the College’s leadership. The sponsorship will provide décor and daily refreshments for those that visit this resource area. Sponsor signage will be placed at the entrance to the area, and on refreshment tables in the lounge. Up to four sponsoring company representatives will be permitted access to the lounge at a time.
Fellow, Trainee & Resident Travel Awards
$3,000 each
These travel scholarships provide young professionals eager to attend the meeting with funds to defray the associated travel and hotel expenses. Attendance will introduce young professionals to the ACMG meeting and allow them to learn of the latest research and developments in the field and meet colleagues and mentors and learn from these invaluable experiences. Sponsors will be acknowledged on the meeting website.